Affirmations for Mystical Christmas
I know that the Christ light is alive in me in that I am that I Am Spirit that is presence. I connect with that infinite light everyday. I embrace Christ Consciousness and am blessed to be aware of the this living light as a compass to guide me in my life. I choose to be enlightened by the Christ which is the highest light of God’s love . I honor the Christ in me and work to live with His loving kindness in my life, I embody Christ consciousness within myself as was taught by Jesus Christ. I realize that Christ Consciousness is infinite light and love that is beyond my normal thinking mind and is Alive eternally in Gods Universal mind. I am a reflection of Universal Christ light and it lives within me in the I am that I am Presence, The Christ light is ignited Christmas time and at any time I choose to follow in the footsteps of the Masters. I shine my light forth to the world and remember that Christ was a living example of how we can seek to live with Christ’s love in our life. I thank you God and Mary for bringing the Christ to Earth and to my consciousness. And so it is! Rev Cindy Paulos
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Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019