all the hard edges
all the thorns that I’ve grown are stripped away by the beauty that Gods creation daily shows and when I can’t balance the books of wrong and right when the world spins out of control and the darkness brings tears to my eyes I turn to you God and pray that I see your exquisite vision that is given to us as mirror that reflects your holy space I unlock the library of the music of the spheres and listen in the silence to what the Divine conductor has shared with the souls of the musicians I revere and I am lifted up to heaven and the bliss of the Lord once again touches my soul and I remember why I came here and how artists restore the world I know
what are you waiting for
can you experience this precious grace To be here in this very moment And embrace God face to face when you are really ready you can be in that holy space and see the miracle of life that is Alive in every breath you take believe it and really feel it and be one with Creations way and invite Gods loving energy to be present when you pray you and I are here and we’ve come together somehow to be present in this time and space sharing the eternal now if this is it
right here and now if this is all there is only this way in and out just this meditation and no debate if you can face this moment and just not turn away and just embrace what this is and let all else just fade away all is here, all is now this is the life you’ve made no more waiting at the door it's time to see God face to face in this moment is your reality and in this space there’s eternity and this Miraculous energy present in each breath we breathe and from the darkness comes the call
for love to tear down any walls that block the Presence and the essence of the source of light for all from the Holy of Holies the higher dimensions are involved in planting a new vision that is holding the way that we all can evolve more light more light Pours down from heaven and those who see Creations dream help to let it be revealed and we breathe it in and pray to God for Mercy and an chance in our life to be all we can be and in each of us is this spirit the spark of light within that is ignited when we surrender the ego and let the power of Gods love win and more light more light Pours down from heaven and legions of souls now see the way for mankind to live in peace the opposite of opposite
is the oneness of what we oppose what we don’t want to believe in and we choose to not know in this worlds house of mirrors is both the force of dark and light when we become one with Gods will we can be used to shine forth good in life and somewhere at sometime we saw that darkness dissolved when Gods light is present the path of life evolves and we remove the mask that ego displays and see the illusions of the old worn out ways the opposite point of view is seen and we find that our purpose in life is to uplift everything to reveal the oneness that love can bring and if opposites attract then there is some reason it seems for us to merge and transform our life as we evolve with what love brings waves of wind whisper to my soul
and with angel wings I’m enfolded with the fragrance of heavens memories guiding me on the pathway home so many times I have had to let go of what was the life of illusion I had used to learn and grow til a greater awakening was shown spirit wind speak to me ease my weary mind touch my heart with your energy that understands a love divine the light of Creations Spirit is found in communion with God the sacred Chalice is offered but the thirsty have already drunk and if we are the lambs of the lord are we given freedom eventually to become Shepherd used by God or is that role to hard to be I don’t know if the wind knows the answers but I am sure that my prayers are heard but sometimes it’s hard to communicate with the Holy Spirit while in form here Behold I make all things new
And when you are weary From the ways of the world, A Light will come from the highest One And bring a new energy And a new dream for life And then you will behold a new joy. A new reason for being A new Love that brings The wings of this Light To your heart of hearts And lifts your spirit to the new heaven That is waiting to be seen And then you will behold the Light of God As it comes through you to the earth. And though you have been laden With the cares of the world, A new hope will come to you And a new path of Love for the One Who brings this Light Will guide you to know A better way to be the one who lives with The Spirit of God and the joy of knowing The Light of the soul within the time is given To be in this world, but not of it. And behold I make all things new, So be born again of this Light. Breathe in this joy and find The Love that is yours to share And smile with the knowing of this Divine gift And let your life reflect this Love With the gratitude of the one Who has been given a new life by The One who knows no death Just the resurrection of Spirit. And in you is the chance to behold this Spirit For this new life of Light The new hope of Love as the awakening of life eternal For behold I make all things new. Behold I make all things new And when you are weary From the ways of the world, A Light will come from the highest One And bring a new energy And a new dream for life And then you will behold a new joy. A new reason for being A new Love that brings The wings of this Light To your heart of hearts And lifts your spirit to the new heaven That is waiting to be seen And then you will behold the Light of God As it comes through you to the earth. And though you have been laden With the cares of the world, A new hope will come to you And a new path of Love for the One Who brings this Light Will guide you to know A better way to be the one who lives with The Spirit of God and the joy of knowing The Light of the soul within the time is given To be in this world, but not of it. And behold I make all things new, So be born again of this Light. Breathe in this joy and find The Love that is yours to share And smile with the knowing of this Divine gift And let your life reflect this Love With the gratitude of the one Who has been given a new life by The One who knows no death Just the resurrection of Spirit. And in you is the chance to behold this Spirit For this new life of Love, The new hope of Love as the dream of life eternal For behold I make all things new. Behold I make all things new And when you are weary From the ways of the world, A Light will come from the highest One And bring a new energy And a new dream for life And then you will behold a new joy. A new reason for being A new Love that brings The wings of this Light To your heart of hearts And lifts your spirit to the new heaven That is waiting to be seen And then you will behold the Light of God As it comes through you to the earth. And though you have been laden With the cares of the world, A new hope will come to you And a new path of Love for the One Who brings this Light Will guide you to know A better way to be the one who lives with The Spirit of God and the joy of knowing The Light of the soul within the time is given To be in this world, but not of it. And behold I make all things new, So be born again of this Light. Breathe in this joy and find The Love that is yours to share And smile with the knowing of this Divine gift And let your life reflect this Love With the gratitude of the one Who has been given a new life by The One who knows no death Just the resurrection of Spirit. And in you is the chance to behold this Spirit For this new life of Love, The new hope of Love as the dream of life eternal For behold I make all things new. these are testing times
perhaps it’s the way the stars are aligned or could it be we need to seek to reach beyond our comfort zone to a higher state of mind to deal with these testing times it seems we all are stripped bare and left with our soul exposed here so the world can look and see what’s really inside there for these are testing times when we have to take deep breaths and call on God to help do our best we need to do just to survive these very testing times I meditate and pray I reach my arms up high each day and ask the Lord for the strength to keep me positive in what I say in these very testing times and I listen to all the news and am shocked at what people do and I realize how blessed I am that I live with so much more than my fellow man God in these testing times help me to be more kind and aware of those who need more light and strength to get them through the night in these testing times For I know that more love is needed now and understanding to find out how we can keep our spirits strong as we call on God so we can carry on and survive and thrive in these testing times We spin around Creations spiral
merging with this space and time a changing form in being With this magic gift of life we inhabit our daily habits we dream our lives and wonder why and seek the reason came here and how best to live our lives and time has a way of teaching what we need to overcome and how to solve the problems we encounter and pray for a good outcome and we spin around the wheel of life and as we ride the carousel of time we rise we fall we reach to find the purpose we are Alive and we stop and go within to the center of The I Am that I am and breathe in the force of the sacred Source and we open Spirits door there in the center of our being we breathe the breath of God it gives our life some meaning and redeems us with pure love and life spins us around Creations spiral merging us with space and time a changing form in being with this magic gift of life Teach me God how to be
Living the Miracle of life’s mystery for your love holds the key that redeems us eternally let me see the good in man So I may be able to understand The vision of your higher plan Let me merge with You I pray So i may share your truth As I Walk the mystic path each day Let your Holy light guide my way so surrounded by your grace shines the light of heavens space may Spirit Light the fire within so I can find that strength to release the past and begin again Teach me God how to be living the Miracle of life’s mystery for your love holds the key that redeems us eternally |
Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019