the love you seek is right here
waiting inside to blossom and unfold from the Source that Enlightens your soul comes your gift of your hearts pure gold believe in the prayer that your heart speaks believe in the innocence you knew so long ago it will break down the walls where you retreat from the pain of life beyond your control the life you seek is here waiting the password you forgot is God you know and you can use it to unlock the code you need to let those buds of love grow believe in the whispers of your soul believe in the seeds redemption will sow unlimited blessings wiil be shown For all things are possible in the God zone
it is in us and beyond us
it is the light Divine leading us ever onward to the higher way of life we are here to experience this love that we can find in every heart a force shines forth that holds a jewel of Gods design that precious gift is waiting to be discovered there within Gods love holds the key to our relating for each souls hunger for a love without end it is in us and beyond us in every breath we breathe is the secret of the cosmos and the answers that we seek I am a child of the lord
grateful for a chance to experience life and sometimes accepting direction on the way out darkness to the light for I've been lost for so long in the wilderness aching for Gods loving embrace that compassionate forgiveness that understands how far in the world we can roam to try seek the perfect life which is never as good as We hoped I see this ever reaching upward to the infinite cosmic stairway home met in the cross of the vertical dream and the material horizon of the world we live in and our lives are just a staging place of this passion play in space and time a field of these strange dreams given to us to try to find out why and we are all Gods children these Spirits living here in form ever seeking and sometimes finding the reasons why we were born so we go within and talk to God we light a candle and pray to live with a little more understanding and try to love a little more each day and the Blessed Mother stands by with that smile upon her face and I wave at her sometimes and thank God for another chance today we ask for truth to be seen
and discover the magnitude of what’s revealed we stand back from the cliff and decide it’s now or never do or die it’s time to extend our wings and fly and we soar across the sky with angels surrounding our flight on high until we reach the brightest llight and we realize that everything’s alright and we wonder what we ever feared and now embrace life and whatever appears And all the ways of being in existence here In the circle of life and love we Share and with every stage of life we dance between the dark and light finding ways to celebrate the blessings of each step we take we ask for God to be a partner in the life we lead for there’s a miracle in each breath we breathe and loving lessons are in everything nothing can stop the heart creation
from shining the pure energy of its light forth for in the center of all creation is the source of Gods infinite loves force we are particles of that very being Alive in the heartbeat of all life in tune with this vibration while dreaming in waves of radiant energy we are seeing expressions of the cosmos creating the dharmas drama we seem to need to awaken us to the universal key that is held there in love’s pure energy nothing can stop the heart creation from shining its love forth for in the heartbeat of all creation is the source of Gods infinite lights force when the heart is ready to be healed love always awaits to revealed
and the strength of faith lifts you to see the Spirit in each being when the hearts prayer is believed you can embrace the grace of God and see how forgiveness sets us free and how we are blessed eternally and Christ understands our deepest needs and the pain we have suffered he feels and if we ask our burdens will be eased for he is Alive as our guide to inner peace and every prayer is heard by that part of our Spirit that hears it and carries it on when our heart is ready to be healed in a world of millions of distractions
in this place of limited space and time there is this need to focus on the Source to find some peace of mind right in the center of our being in this pause between each breath there is the key to the opening to the light that can guide us when we let it and God is always here even though we often forget so it helps when we stop each day to renew our connection and pray for in a world with so many distractions when we meditate on the One we remember what our purpose is and the reason for which we’ve come hear beyond what the world would hear
see beyond the material layers to behold the vision of Spirit and listen to the music of spheres be in tune with the cosmos open your heart to believe that you are one with the universe that unites you with everything for Alive in every atom is the God particle that created us in this time and space and every thread of being reflects God in us and the human race breathe in the divine Presence be in the Holy Light let it heal your body and mind and unite you with the love in all life do not forget what you came here for
for in the center of your purpose is a certain magnetic force that holds the key to the Source it is the true breath of insight the blessing of inspiration that feeds your deep hunger and a reason to carry on do you sense it calling do you feel it sculpt your vision to see stars that dance across the fields with glimpses of Eternity signs that bring you the strength to plant the seeds that will continue to grow after all this has been released and yes there is this invisible support although you may not see it just believe You will be given the tools to do what you need please do not forget what you came here for your purpose is speaking to you and holds the blessings of Gods loving force that feeds your very soul and yes there is this invisible support although you may not see it just believe and will be given the tools to do what you need please do not forget what you came here for your purpose is speaking to you and holds the blessings of Gods loving force that feeds your very soul amidst the dust of life
and this form we know that comes and goes swirling through the universe a spirit wind carries our souls with each breath comes a spark a blessing of life's opportunity to be in tune with the source of life and find the light of Gods energy and who is the Master weaver the Creator of this divine tapestry that brings us this hidden blueprint with which we build our dreams and fantasies and through these passing lifetimes our soul spins on the cosmic wheel to find Gods love we came to share here with our family and friends here for a short time and amidst the dust of life this life we know will come and go transform us as we journey the universe as Gods spirit carries our eternal souls |
Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019