let the beauty of love be alive
In what we see and what we meet facing this moment with a welcome for what it brings can all the hurts and wrongs be released from the prison of resentment you have placed them in to be forgiven as you are by the silent one who watches and prays for you to be finally freed to fly into that moment of clarity and then what is left to be but just this heart that accepts the pain as a symptom of being alive and discovers understanding in finding we learn and live without the need for an umbrella to protect us from the sun and rain we can experience this life and welcome a new day with an open heart that is unafraid as the silent teacher bows at the miracle of grace
oh to have a fresh breath
of pure enthusiasm that energy that carries us to be able to embrace life and believe in life’s possibilities to remove the dark delusion and judgements that close our heart and open up to the innocence that was there when we did start to have that beginners mind with the wisdom of a child to see love as the greatest gift and hold an open heart oh to have a smile for life and open up our arms to say yes it is still possible to be the best I can I love how the light plays
Through the clouds Reaching far across the skies Reaching me here to feel such gratitude for the beauty present in this life radiant rays Stretch through to me from the sun and far beyond Changinf colors that display The glory of what’s to come I love how the light plays And when it dances through water All the splashes that enlighten The transparencies of life I am that light I speak that language That lifts me to see such a mystic transparency I love how the light touches my soul and reminds me of that dwelling place there in my true home and the light in all its frequencies has a universal language that through us speaks and when the light of Christ is seen it can shine with a love that with Grace can redeem to all lovers of the light to all lovers of the Lord to all those on the lighted path May you open that enlightened source sometimes I feel like placing
a firewall up against the pain but that’s not a cure against the current diatribe cause there’s no way to blindfold the power of consciousness’s archetype all those super heroes gods and goddesses servants of the light and those who choose to stand up and fight for what we know in our heart tis right this is the testing time on a cosmic field that appears in our dreams as what is dark and light that is written in our souls to shield we can not turn away from what we have to face there are forces here at play that wish to control the way the truth is to be displayed but the truth can not be compromised and dictated to by those who lie so we must face the good that’s inherent in the human race and find the time to pray that we have the inner strength to take our place as servants of goodwill with compassion to smile and face and understand how to take our place to stand up with love and find a little kindness can go a long way as we serve as best we may rushing full force over hurdles
blindly seeing what’s to face opening up to the reasons why we can believe in this human race throwing petals from dead roses with those misty memories of yesterday lighting candles in your name reaching deep to Find God as the fuel to motivate there is a wind that carries me to reach finish line yet I’m not sure where that is and what happens there i can’t define so here is life offered up to live and all it takes is to be here now to give it all you’ve got and bless the rest somehow let it bring forth that Buddha smile it all will sort itself out in a while and then we can reflect if we did our best and figure out what it all meant anyhow this sacred fire
that burns inside an invisible flame without a name that holds the essence where Spirit reigns this gift so precious this presence undefined this chalice of light always waiting there inside we bow to it by being present and alive we honor it by feeling the Union it provides oh this Holy Fire that fuels my very soul let me embrace the energy of God in form that Christ came here to show Silhouettes of flocks of birds fly
across the softness pink of the morning sky the holy dove of spirit circles with greetings from the soul on high Come now the bells of dawn And ring so loud and true Let me here your calling To remind me of God’s love so true The wings of the dove flutters near The Holy dove of Morn brings sacred love With the gift of possibilities That comes with secret clues Come now Holy Spirit My heart is calling out for you bring your inspiration to my life Help guide me to the doorway into light The Holy gift of spirit comes And fills my body and soul And finds a way to carry me to heaven With a chariot of Gold to the higher realms so high the invisible path where Spirit resides that holds the very secrets of life the answers we seek to find There is a beauty that is so sublime It is a gift In this life we are given to see A blessing of the Holy Mother sacred mysteries The Holy spirit that the Dove does bring Everytime i think I’ll fly
Away above these rainbow skies Something bids me to stay awhile To wait again For Just one more day Because there’s more Always one more reason why One more thing to do and say Til its time for me to fly away Before The details can be known And The whys and hows are yet unsown Comes a promise found in OM To dwell here on this earth zone But oh The merging of the dream And mayas intricate reality That weaves this mystic scheme In a web so very exteme It wraps up the whole package Of what we think we need Until one day we see That there is more to be Just one more door Til we cross over to that other shore And ancient memories that echo forth In clues that resonate in cosmic frequencies In light years from another time in some different form so sublime And i seem to remember the Masters smile As he looked so deep into my eyes And i heard these words come forth seek and ye shall find But wait there's more So much more Stand naked in the morning sun,
And call upon all that you are to emerge. Remove the mask so carefully placed To hide who you are, Come face to face with all you are And how you have chosen to live your life. And with a brave breath, Bring all that you are forth. Do not be afraid to see it, feel it, And experience it in the bright light of day, Even as you would stand at the moment of your passing, Unmasked and accepting all of yourself, As God accepts you and knows you. For you cannot hide from God, You cannot hide from your soul, And you can embrace yourself And all that you are with the grace of compassion. You can forgive yourself as Christ forgives you, For any time you may have missed the mark, There is another chance to get you through. So stand naked in the morning sun, Stand naked in you humanness, And experience the true light that sees past judgment To the exquisite love that is so divine, A spark of good that is much more powerful Than you might know. Believe in this goodness, And let the goodness of God’s great grace” do you believe
in the inherent good that is alive in the heart and soul that innocence in babies faces alive in energy that inspires alive in the well wishes in every smiling praise can you find that force for good that speaks to you in many ways and allows you to be offering the best you are every single day this flow of goodness saves our world when we seek to help in what we do do and say it overcomes our judgements and let’s us turn our little will over to Gods will for the greater good in service come what may it’s the spirit of true kindness that lets the heart speak to the mind there in our higher consciousness is a force that directs our path and finds a way remind us of the power of Gods love living in that Spirit inside find that clear energy that is the fuel that feeds the soul make a choice to serve Goodwill and let it guide you on the path you follow |
Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019