the moments of the year fade away
we wave a long goodbye to those friends who left our sides and we toast their memories with a sigh and we sing for them our auld lang syne and the nectar of last years blessings fed our hungry souls and still we look to quench that need to be one with our true beloved so we turn our life over and let Gods will to be in control so much is waiting to be revealed that midnight kiss that joins us to begin another year of mystery with renewed love and hope for what will be so I wish you a Happy New Year and may you find peace and Goodwill Alive in your heart this year and may waves of love embrace you and the angels guide your way and let this coming year bring you much light and love all the good that God can convey Blessings always Cindy
horizontal realities
stretch out across this space leaving lots of room to fill it with strange dreams of the human race while spiraling cosmic energy streams down to bring this vertical power of life all of it a merging of Gods Creation that rises into the light and in horizontal and the vertical fields is this dimensional creation of time and space but who controls the programming what we believe and what we create but there’s a new paradigm that’s calling and more and more gather in silence to hear about the exit strategy that can bring them out of the illusions that are here somewhere in the center of light perhaps in this moment right now the old ways are disappearing and a new creation is emerging and we will one day see a different kind of reality I asked for the Christ to be born in me
as my gift for Christmas Day and what got was a nasty flu sometimes life throws you these curves and they can bring out another side of you and I talked to Mother Mary and asked her if she gets sick too and she laughed til I laughed and I started coughing til I was blue she said these earthly bodies can be a burden sometimes that's true but they are what we have to deal with while living in material plane what you deal with can bring you pain but it’s really only a short time we are here and there so much more love waiting to appear so she sent a blessing down and sent some stars to lead me on and I realized that when Christ appeared on earth all the challenges he faced after his blessed birth in living with Christ light we use his love to try to get our life right and when we slip and fall we can turn to Christ and Mother Mary to talk us through it all so we can learn and get stronger as we go and perhaps a little kinder to others who may slip and fall and picked a Jesus card that said I am with you always , even unto the end time so although I feel awful in this body I am grateful for this life And all those guardian angels Who watch over us even on the darkest night Flung across the universe On an infinite beam of light Dancing with the rhythm of the heart beat In the pulse of humanity's cry here in this precious presence Of our souls sacred call Searching for the love it takes To receive God's precious gift to us all Today We remember that sacred birth We are remnant of the echoes still Of that song the one word that we heard That created this flesh and spirit merged As the spirit of the Holy Dove has emerged To be held in the form of Holy Son That holds the power of Christ’s love With the promise of our true worth And the holy Mother blesses all life and each redeeming new birth And with every soul there is this promise of life And each prayer there is a miracle heard By the Lord whose silent hope we serve And he smiles at us here As we celebrate this Christmas Day And all the good and wise ones have journeyed to be here today Have offered themselves to serve Love And send their blessings forth this day We are all on this long path That was birthed of the Mother’s love The children of God all gathered under The moon and the sun and Heaven above Breathing this spirit and calling his name Til we are redeemed once again To worship all the misery and glory of life And God’s amazing grace The darkness and light combined And there is a new hope born And we’re lifted to the higher way In this moment we are blessed To be here on Christmas Day Simply say "Yes" to the Infinite Love That the Christ spirit radiates,
And let it unfold within your heart. For in this perfect moment of allowance, Christ’s love is the spirit of God That is waiting In an infinite field of perfect energy. We can meet there and bring The love that is within us Into our hearts and souls, into our very being. This love is my love, and God’s gift to you. This love is your teacher and your guide, This love is a precious jewel, And it causes the light that you are to shine, With the brilliance of a thousand suns. This love is the perfect flower that blossoms, And intoxicates your senses so that you are lifted To the garden of Heaven. This love is the Truth of God, and it is my truth. Would you behold the joy that this love brings? Would you put a price on a love such as this? And how would you celebrate this love That is given to you unconditionally and freely? Would you say Yes to this love? Would you allow yourself to believe in this love? Would you open up your heart and soul To this love that God is and I am? For you are this love, And I am alive as the Christ in this love. This love is waiting for you to open the door to your heart, And say "Yes" to the love that is right there within you. Embrace this love, breathe in this precious love, And let its flame burn bright with the Eternal Light That will guide you and lead you To find the Way, the Truth and the joy, In this perfect now moment, when you choose The love that I am and you are. when getting it is not enough
for there us always something more you stop and take the time to think it’s time to open a new door and who is there to greet you who can you really see accept yourself that waits there that light of the soul in you and me that light that sees you through the ages that answer you need to hear that new you that is ready to carry on when the old life disappears and there is this force that sparks the flame of life the one that's always present and is eternally alive and we can knock on that sacred door and we can answer the silent call To follow that mystic path and relate to the force behind it all knock and the door will open seek and you shall find for there is something more that’s waiting that holds Gods Presence in all mankind Yes from the time of darkness
we turn towards the inner light for our soul still holds the starseeds and echoes from our cosmic life and so we light a candle and ask the Lord the grace we need to bring us loves great blessings and to see His presence in everything for it is light that brings us life and we need that torch to show the way and in each soul there is a spark that can lead us out of the darkest days from darkness to light we spin with each turning we stop and pray for the Christ light to be born in us so we can drop the worlds illusions and bring more love into this place which dream do you choose to be
without distractions can you be free to face who you really are and accept it totally can you breathe in the ecstasy can you bathe in the light can you immerse yourself in the naked truth and embrace the magic in life which symbol is your image whats at the core of what you believe what do you really stand for can your the soul be free to speak right here and now we’re present just you and me communicating and I bow at the amazing grace that allows us to be in this moment with our essence face to face oh these petals from the Mothers Garden
and brilliant Crystals from the alter of light these feathers from Guardian Angels all these precious gifts that bless this life help us overcome the egos strife And with a deep breath of Spirit We keep our hearts hope alive so we blossom Forth to thrive with the Blessed Master by our side and the prayers from the Mothers Garden bring these heavenly gifts of love that come to feed our need with the call of Gods Holy Dove so we offer up our Will to God and we ask for guidance in our life we hold the memory of our purpose and in the Mothers Garden we plant seeds of love and light have Faith have Faith my friend
when challenges and hard times come it’s time to turn within and pray God will help you find a way have Faith I hear God say for just a breath or two away the light will shine so bright again even when you think it never can so light a candle and carry on hold your head up and listen close hear the soul sing heavens song and brighter days will come when people hurt and do you wrong please believe you have the strength so breathe in deep the light of Faith and God will help you carry on |
Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019