I call upon the Holy spirit
To give me the faith to believe and to trust in God and release any challenges that I meet I am open to the one universal spirit I resonate with that love and light and the heartbeat of the Creator that brings all of Creation to life from spirit we were born and shall return with my soul I can retreat and trust in God and to release any challenges that I meet I breathe this spirit into my life I let any distractions Go and turn away from any worries and release any negative energy that shows Mother Mary bless me Holy Father guide my way through the darkness to the light help me to fulfill my destiny I pray
the limitless light of your heavenly smile
carries such a redeeming grace to hope to reach and become abundantly flowing with the human race brilliant Stars that reveal themselves in this geometric dance divine guide us to our destiny and bring us to life in timeless designs and here we are all alone and joined as one as on this planet as we face a mirror of the creators abundance that has drawn us to express our assumptions while learning what makes up this human race so drink in the magic nectar that God in Heaven pours forth and release your limited beliefs and open your heart to love your life there is a spark of magic
that can be ignited in our life for an eternal fire burns there deep within our hearts we can invite the Spirit's presence here into this moment of our very life and even in the hard times we can pray for that magic light there is a simple happiness that can be found deep within the smile of understanding that reflects God's universal grin a little bit of magic can begin with a gift of this kiss of spirit that invites me to open my heart welcome it and breathe that presence of love in I identify with that eternal presence I embrace the blessings of Gods love and give thanks for the simple happiness that grace of awareness that comes for me to know I welcome this day with an open heart and mind I breathe in the presence of love divine for I believe God is Good all the time and as I see the good in me I can see this good in others too for I realize that I project on others what it is I need to learn and do there is such a magic in creation and such beauty to be seen Lord let my eyes be open to the miracles in life you bring so Sweet blessings that come in such mysterious ways in random acts of kindness when you live with love each day I welcome this day and listen to the song that the universe sings the music of creation is so glorious and it's vibration is Alive in everything thank you God for this day and the opportunity to be present here in paradise with the gifts this body mind and spirit brings lord can I merge with your redeeming love
can I be one of the flowers in the garden a blossom whose bliss of being is enough a part of creation that reflects to heaven above may I merge with your Holy light that one bright vision of the source that understands just why we are here on Earth and we live and die to merge with you again in heavens infinite sky lord let me breathe in the Spirits Fire the energy that brings the one desire to love your truth thats so inspiring this sharing of existence in its entirety let me cherish each and every day this chance to live with love today and when I lose my way may I remember to call upon your saving grace I thank you for miracles you bring and all the countless blessings that we can see and in the Father and the Mothers name I offer my heart in service today Affirmation with each breath of Spirit I survive and welcome this Creation into my life and pray that I may embrace this moment and welcome all it brings my way lord you are here in my heart and I know
everything just is as it is i accept this moment I welcome all that I encounter I realize that I have the power to be alive and embrace whatever is present for me here and now to live fearlessly and face myself to stand in the light of day and drink in the suns breath and the light of the sky and with all of life's energy present i know I will survive to smile with that knowing wisdom those time lines that so adorn my face I can know longer hide for these lines that map my journey will not fade away as hard as I might try all I can do is face this face the sun, the moon the stars and welcome what appears To experience life without fear This mirror of the miracles of God appearing here and observe the strange way I have of changing the arranging of living in this body that I have and with each breath of Spirit welcome this Creation into my life and pray that I may embrace this moment and welcome all it brings my way I open my heart to the light of God
I open my mind to believe in the miracle of miracles that power of love alive in me I embrace my life with confidence I ask for the good God is to be guiding and directing my way and I release all negativity I breath in the prayer of untying any binds that have limited me I know the Holy Mother's grace is right there to help protect and set me free the ego works in the darkness in the fears within our insecurities in ways that yield up falseness from the truth that we really need I let go of the power darkness I let go of the ties that bind I let go of any negativity that the ego controls in my mind I call upon the angels and the guardians that standby I call upon the forces of Good and God's willl to abide and I choose that each day as I go and believe with my heart and soul that with the Father and Mothers guidance I can find the perfect path to follow may I be in tune with my soul
and feel my heart becoming healed and whole awakening as i awaken to find to the shining light that i am inside may I be in tune with the soul of the world and the infinite light of God that resides in the harmony with Creations manifestation vibrating throughout the sounds of life where all the worlds energy collides the energy that is feeding all life ebbs and flows with each breath it is a nightlight that shines through the darkness it is the sun that gives us our daily bread In the silence my heart is listening as I merge with the light of God's love I feel it throughout my very being the I am that I am of the world I know I hold the feather given by the grace of the Holy Dove I free the ties that bind me as I open my heart to love may I be in tune with all Creation may I be aligned with Gods goodness and grow into a mirror that reflects of the one universal soul lord
may I find Happiness in the simple things in life that you provide for all here the beauty of a sunrise the power of the wind the rain that washed away the tears the laughter of the children here your grace I find which releases fear may I clear away any blocks I have that have closed me off from love for loves your greatest gift and the past is past and I can call upon your holy dove may I find the blessings of life in the moment that find that happiness cannot be captured it is present in a peaceful state of mind all of the riches of the world all the accolades that power bring can not take the place of true happiness which comes from simple things I know this life is fleeting may I stop and find the time to appreciate my loved ones and show gratitude for the blessings that I find For happiness comes in many ways and sometimes we don't even know that what can make us happy is right there in your presence within our soul and the Lord said,
Judge not, that ye be not judged lord with the gaze of your loving eyes I see the path to paradise that seed of love planted in each soul and the way let all imitations go help me lord not to judge others for I wish not to be judged that's true I know by judging others I see negative things not the good as you do and as I judge others I know I'm letting the ego rule for the bad I see in others comes from what I see inside me too let me see the good that lives within others hearts and souls let me see the good in me and love myself so the good will grow for if we feed the positive energy that lives within everyone we feed the power God does give that feeds us with love for our fellow men Mother Mary let me see the world with loving eyes the potential that's Alive in everything let the grace of your divine mercy guide our hearts and our minds and free us |
Rev. Cindy PaulosRev. Cindy Paulos isown Metaphysical Media Network, a non-profit directory for the spiritual community that joins together spiritual teachers online. Rev. Cindy Paulos is a motivational inspirational speaker, author, composer, artist, travel agent, and Disc Jockey for KAOI RADIO in Maui, Hawaii. She has hosted the longest running talk show on Maui for 25 years. She also has hosted many TV Shows in California and Maui.Rev. Cindy has interviewed top names in the inspirational field such as: Wayne Dwyer, Neal Donald Walsch, Mary Ann Williamson, Anita Moorjani, Ram Dass, Swami Satchadanada, Alan Cohen and many other celebrities. Rev. Cindy also has a travel show interviewing leaders in the travel industry. She has traveled extensively throughout the world. Rev. Cindy has been writing inspirationally since age 14. She has taught Metaphysics and holds a Doctorate Degree from the International Institute of Metaphysics. Rev. Cindy is the author of Put A Little Light in Your Life, published in 2008, and The Travel Angel Handbook published in 2012. Angel Blessings, Messages from Heaven and Mystical Mother Mary. Archives
November 2019